Benefits of Reusable Cups at Festivals and Events
Reducing plastic waste is an important step in promoting environmental sustainability.
Events have a significant environmental impact, especially when they are large-scale or involve a lot of attendees. To minimize the environmental impact of events, organisers can take steps such as reducing waste, promoting sustainable transportation options, using eco-friendly products, and by carefully selecting event venues and suppliers that prioritise and promote sustainability. For example, the benefits of reusable cups at festivals and events are huge and by taking a proactive approach to environmental sustainability, events can minimise their impact and promote a more sustainable future.
Every year, there are over 7,000 outdoor events in the UK. It is estimated that over 100 million single-use plastic cups are used and thrown away at events during this cycle. This is having a huge environmental impact.
In Particular, single use plastic waste from the UK Festival industry is a great concern. Over three million people attend UK festivals each year and between them, they are generating an alarming 23,500 tonnes of waste - Research suggests that of that amount only 32% is recycled with the other 68% heading straight into landfill sites.
Here at STACK-CUP™, we work with a number of event prganisers, venues and large scale events that come to us to support their sustainability ethos. We take a look at the benefits of reusable cups at festivals and events:
They Promote Environmental Sustainability
One of the most significant benefits of reusable cups at festivals and events is the reduction of waste. Disposable cups contribute to a significant amount of waste and pollution, and using reusable cups reduces this problem.
They are Cost-Effective
Using reusable cups can be a cost-effective solution for event organisers, as they can save money by not having to purchase disposable cups repeatedly.
They are Safe
Reusable cups are generally made of durable materials that reduce the risk of breakage and prevent accidents from broken glass or plastic.
They are Hygienic
Reusable cups can be washed and sanitised between uses, which reduces the risk of contamination and transmission of germs.
They are a fantastic marketing tool
Reusable cups can be customised and fully branded with the event or company's logo, which provides a clever advertising and branding opportunity to help promote the event or business. Got a message to shout about? Add it to your cup!
Reduce those queues!
Reusable cups can be pre-filled before the event or filled in bulk, reducing queues and waiting times for guests. More time to enjoy your favourite sport or music!
They are versatile
Reusable cups can be used for a variety of drinks, including beer, soda, wine and water, making them an extremely versatile option for festivals and events.
They boast a highly Eco-Friendly Image
Using reusable cups at events demonstrates a commitment to environmental sustainability, which can enhance your event's reputation and promote an eco-friendly image.
They can increase your Revenue
Reusable cups can be sold to guests as a souvenir or keepsake, which can generate additional revenue for your event.
They Leave a Positive Guest Experience
Using reusable cups can enhance the overall guest experience, as it reduces waste, improves hygiene, and contributes to a safer and more sustainable event.

There are significant benefits of reusable cups at events, it prevents the use of disposable items that are sent to waste in landfill and helps you work towards a greener future. Cups can be branded for your event making them ideal for marketing and advertising, it lowers your event's carbon footprint and it also makes the perfect take-home souvenir! These cups also don't just save you money, they can make you money too!
Not sure what you need? Contact the STACK-CUP™ team for more information and to speak to them about your upcoming events: info@stack-cup.com